Thursday, November 29, 2012

Drive to Orange County

Yesterday we went on a drive to Orange County.  We took the coastal route, which was beautiful.  We went through a bunch of coastal towns and were able to see the marines setting up tents and doing other drills along Camp Pendelton.  We were also able to visit a few places from my childhood in Laguna Beach.

View of Dana Point Harbor. 
My old neighborhood in Laguna- do I see our house, Mom and Dad?
It's not hard to see how Dr. Seuss found material for his books.
Oh hi
They weren't kidding about the steps...
You have to be dedicated to go to the beach!  We got quite a workout.  I can't believe my mom used to do this with us, just the beach over.  The wooden staircase down to the beach is actually one of my strongest memories from California.  The steps are never ending.
Rubys -my favorite restaurant as a kid.  We stopped in for a milkshake and onion rings.
Laguna Beach
Fashion Island in Newport Beach is great shopping.  I used to go there for the escalators and water features.

Thanks for a great day, Gordon. On to more new things!
And yes, we listened to Christmas music the whole way :)

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