Thursday, December 13, 2012

Imperial Beach

A few days ago we headed to Imperial Beach, which is the southernmost beach on the west coast.  We thought about going to Tijuana, but we couldn't find it.  Haha, it's probably for the best anyway.  
Imperial Beach reminded us of Florida.  It is very flat compared to the rest of San Diego.

A piece of home - river, marsh grass, and mud. And there is Mexico. 
We walked as close to Mexico as we could. This must be Tijuana.  

There is a naval air base right behind the beach.  The entire time we were there, about 8 helicopters were running drills over our heads.  At first we thought they were protecting the border, it seemed like a fun story.

Beautiful rainbow.

And sunset.

Gordon's interviews went well today! And other exciting news soon!

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