Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Strange Shrubbery

So, this may seem silly, but one of the things we first noticed upon arriving in the west are all of the weird plants, trees, flowers, etc.  I have decided to give you a sampling.  If you can identify any of them, please let us know.  We have not taken the time to do that - we are super busy doing other important things (like catching up on the Homeland series). Enjoy...
Dr. Seuss flower-arrow-plant things.


I think this cactus looks like an octopus.

banyon-palm tree?

mushroom/broccoli tree

Our seagull friend at the beach today.  We don't think he's strange.

1 comment:

  1. Rough life you guys are living right now...has there been any job hunting sprinkled into this vacation?
